Graphene is referred to as the single-layer heat of carbon atoms where the carbon atoms are bonded together in the repeated patterns of hexagons forming a sheet. The sheet of graphene is only one atom thick; however, it is harder than the diamond. Despite its hardness, it is also more elastic than rubber having two characteristics where it can be tougher than steel but lighter than aluminum. Due to these properties, graphene is the strongest known material. Graphene is the most promising nanomaterial due to its unique combination and particular characteristics. It is considered a good conductor of electricity. It is visibly transparent. However, it is dense enough to make it permeable to gases. Even the tiniest particle of helium cannot pass through this material. Graphene is considered a diverse material that can be combined with other materials to produce different other materials having superior properties. Because of its unique characteristic, it is also considered the basic building block for carbon nanotubes. It possesses increased tensile strength conductivity transparency, which makes it a highly useful nanomaterial. The materials based on graphene are widely and extensively used in energy-related areas. Graphene is responsible for improving energy capacity and charge rate in batteries which makes it a suitable candidate for supercapacitors to store energy. Graphene electrodes are also used in making solar cells which are inexpensive, flexible, and lightweight. It is also widely used as a biological and chemical sensor. Its extensive uses are also available in the field of water preparation, where it can be used for desalination and separation of industrial gases. Currently, pharmaceutical nanotechnology has received attention because of propene base material due to its physicochemical properties, which contain ultrahigh surface area conductivity and improved biocompatibility.